Empowering People to Save Lives
The Disque Foundation’s mission is to provide free advanced healthcare education to underserved populations in the US and around the world.
Through its Save a Life Initiative, everyone can access the Disque Foundation’s life-support training course through a first-of-its-kind, online platform.
Our goal is to empower 10 million people by 2025.

The idea behind the Save a Life Initiative is simple. Take the same advanced life-saving training we developed for physicians, and give it to the underserved, at home and abroad at no cost. We work in conjunction with the Disque Foundation to fulfill its mission of advancing health care education to the underserved through advanced technology. When we put the knowledge, skills and ability to perform CPR and other proven techniques in the hands of people around the world, the potential number of lives saved is almost overwhelming.
Save a Life Certifications by NHCPS, the Disque Foundation and you. Together, let’s save lives.